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Math 124 Problem Set 1

1. First, we show that the binomial coefficient is an integer.
Claim: For fixed $ n$ and $ 0\leq k\leq
n$, $ n\choose k$ is an integer.
Proof. By induction. Clearly $ {1\choose 0} = {1\choose 1} = 1$. Suppose that $ {n\choose k}$ is an integer for $ 0\leq k\leq
n$. Now $ {{n+1}\choose 0}={{n+1}\choose{n+1}}=1$ and for $ 0\leq i\leq n-1$

$\displaystyle {n\choose i}+{n\choose{i+1}}=\frac{n!}{i!(n-i-1)!}\left(

which by the inductive hypothesis is the sum of two integers. This proves the claim.
Since $ p$ is prime, it is sufficient to show that there is no factor of $ p$ in the denominator. By assumption, $ r<p$ so $ r!$ does not contain a factor of $ p$. Similarly, $ 1\leq r$ implies that $ p-r\leq p-1 <
p$, so $ (p-r)!$ also contains no factor of $ p$.
2. $ gcd(15,35)=gcd(35,15)=gcd(5,15)=gcd(15,5)=gcd(0,5)=\textbf{5
$ gcd(247,299)=gcd(247,52)=gcd(52,39)=gcd(39,13)=gcd(13,0)=\textbf{13}$;
$ gcd(51,897)=gcd(51,30)=gcd(30,21)=gcd(21,9)=gcd(9,3)=gcd(3,0)=\textbf{3}$;
$ gcd(136,304)=gcd(136,32)=gcd(32,8)=gcd(8,0)=\textbf{8}$;
3a. The base case is trivial. Suppose that $ 1+\ldots+n=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}$ for some $ n$. Then

$\displaystyle 1+\ldots+(n+1)=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}+(n+1)=\frac{(n+1)(n+2)}{2},$

as desired.
3b.If $ n$ is even we may the group the terms as $ (1-2)+(3-4)+\ldots+(n-1-n),$ yielding the formula $ -\frac{n}{2}$. Similarly, if $ n$ is odd we have $ 1+(-2+3)+(-4+5)+\ldots+(-(n-1)+n),$ which gives the formula $ 1+\frac{n-1}{2}=\frac{n+1}{2}$.
Therefore the general formula is $ (-1)^{n+1}\lceil{\frac{n}{2}}\rceil$.
4. We can run $ precprime(2001)$ in PARI, which gives $ 1999$.
5. The Euclidean Algorithm gives us:
$ 2261=1275\cdot 1 + 986$ ; $ 1275 = 986 \cdot 1 + 289$ ; $ 986 =
289\cdot 3 + 119$ ; $ 289=119\cdot 2+51$ ; $ 119 = 51 \cdot 2 +
17,$ so

$\displaystyle 17$ $\displaystyle =119-51\cdot 2 = (986-289\cdot 3)-(289-119\cdot 2)\cdot 2$    
  $\displaystyle =986-(1275-986)\cdot 3-(1275-986)\cdot 2+(986-289\cdot 3)\cdot 4$    
  $\displaystyle =1275\cdot-5+986\cdot 10+289\cdot-12=1275\cdot-17+986\cdot 22$    
  $\displaystyle =\textbf{22}\cdot 2261-\textbf{39}\cdot 1275.$    

6. $ factor(2005)$ yields $ 2005=5$ x $ 401$.
7. $ for(i=1,5,print(\lq\lq Hello Kitty''))$
8. A necessary condition is that the polynomial $ f(x)$ is irreducible over Z; this would include the condition that the gcd of the coefficients is 1. Certainly if $ f$ is reducible then each factor could take the value 1 only a finite number of times (hence $ f$ can be prime only at a finite number of integers). In the case where $ deg(f)=1$ Dirichlet's theorem confirms that $ ax+b$ will take infinitely many prime values if $ (a,b)=1$, and in class the conjecture for $ f(x)=x^2+1$ was presented.
To test a given $ f$, we could use the following PARI code:

$\displaystyle f0(n)=for(i=0,n,if(isprime(f(n-i)),return(n-i)));$

and then try $ f0(n)$ for large values of $ n$. I tried this for some cyclotomic polynomials: $ n^2+n+1$, $ n^2+1$, $ (n^5-1)/(n-1)$ and also for $ n^3-n+1$ for $ n$ up to 10 billion. All returned values close to the input. For example, for $ n^3-n+1$ the call to $ f0(1000000000)$ gave 999999986. This suggests that for these polynomials the conjecture may be true, although it sheds little light on the general case of irreducible polynomials.
9. We can show that the Euclidean Algorithm on $ m,n$ takes $ O(\vert max(m,n)\vert)$ modular operations, where $ \vert max(m,n)\vert$ is the number of binary digits of $ max(m,n)$. This is done by noting that if we proceed from $ (x,y)$ to $ (y,x(mod\ y)$ (where $ x\geq
y$) then $ x(mod\ y)\leq x/2$. For if $ 2y>x\geq y$ then $ x(mod\
y)=x-y$. Combining this with $ y>x/2$ yields $ x(mod\ y)\leq x/2$. Similarly, if $ x>2y$ then $ x/2>y>x(mod\ y)$. Therefore every two steps the original binary representation of $ x$ is reduced by one digit.
Now since $ 10<2^4$, a $ 2000$ digit number has fewer than $ 8000$ bits, so PARI can easily compute the gcd of two such numbers.
10. First we note that all odd integers must be congruent to $ 1$, $ 3$ or $ 5$ modulo $ 6$, and if $ x\equiv 3(mod\
6)$ then $ 3\vert x$. Therefore all odd primes (except 3) must be congruent to $ 1$ or $ -1$ modulo $ 6$. Next we note that if $ p,q\equiv 1(mod\ 6)$ then $ pq\equiv 1(mod\ 6)$. Therefore if $ n\equiv -1(mod\ 6)$ then $ n$ must have a prime factor $ p\equiv
-1 (mod\ 6)$ (3 has no inverse).
Let $ T=\{p:p\ prime,\ p\equiv -1(mod\ 6)\}$. Suppose $ T$ is finite. Since $ T$ is nonempty ($ 5\in T$), we can define $ S_0$, the product of elements in $ T$. Now consider $ S=6S_0-1$. Since $ S\equiv -1(mod\ 6)$, $ q\vert S$ for some $ q\in T$. But for all $ p\in
T$, $ S\equiv -1(mod\ p)$, a contradiction. Therefore $ T$ is infinite.
11a. We can define a function which computes $ \pi(n):$

$\displaystyle f(n) = s=0; for(i=1,n,if(isprime(i),s++)); s $

which gives $ \pi(2001)=303$.
11b. For $ x=2001$, $ x/log(x)\thickapprox 263$, so the values differ by about $ 40$.

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William A Stein 2001-10-11