1. Use an ssh client to connect to math480@sage.math.washington.edu I told you the password during class. On Windows, putty is a good client. On OS X or Linux, just open a terminal and type ssh math480@sage.math.washington.edu 2. The minimum commands you'll need to know to use the command prompt for this assignment are. So look these over: - "pwd" = print working directory = "where am I"? - "ls" = list files in working directory - "cd .." = move up one directory - "cd directory_name" = move into directory_name - "tar xf /home/math480/scratch/sage-4.8-sage.math.washington.edu-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz" = extract your own copy of Sage into the current directory - "mv dir1 dir2" = rename dir1 to dir2 (or file1 to file2) - "mkdir directory_name" = make a directory - "pico filename" = edit the given file - "hg commit" = commit your changes to your local repository - "hg export tip > my.patch" = export your changes to the file my.patch - "hg rollback" = use this only if you want to undo the commit. - "/home/math480/scratch/your_name/sage/sage -br" = build and run modified sage - You can browse your files at http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/math480/scratch/ Now we'll proceed step-by-step to use the above commands to make your patch. 3. Make your own directory: cd scratch mkdir your_name cd your_name 4. Extract sage into your directory: tar xf /home/math480/scratch/sage-4.8-sage.math.washington.edu-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz This will extract over 50,000 files and takes between 1 minute and 15 minutes -- be patient. 5. Rename your sage install: mv sage-4.8-sage.math.washington.edu-x86_64-Linux sage 6. Find some file(s) to edit: cd sage/devel/sage/sage/ ls cd some_subdirectory pico some_file 7. Test out your changes: /home/math480/scratch/your_name/sage/sage -br The first time you do this it will take about a minute. Afterwards it should only take a second or two. 8. Commit your changes (enter a 1-line description into the editor that pops up): hg commit 9. Oops, change your mind?! hg rollback Now make more changes and go to step 7. Make sure to do "hg commit" before going to step 10. 10. Export your changes hg export tip > my.patch 11. Find the file my.patch by browsing to http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/math480/scratch/ 12. Download my.patch and attach it to your email to me.